Ble S4. A, upregulated; B, downregulated.activity(CI,1.28). Interestingly, the double DatmA xprG1 mutant produced a larger clearance zone (CI, 2.10) than that of either the DatmA or xprG1 single mutants. To clarify this genetic relationship, we utilized a more quantitative method to assess protease activity. Because the specificity of the extracellular proteases was not known, we used a synthetic FRET peptide library Abz (or MCA)-GXXXXXQ-EDDnp and Abz (or MCA)-GXXZXXQEDDnp. For all strains, no significant differences were seen in the extracellular protease activity in three different pH conditions tested (pH 4.0, 7.0, and 8.5) (Figure 6B). Both the DxprG and DatmA DxprG mutant strains demonstrated comparable protease activity to the wild-type strain, whereas both the DatmA and xprG1 demonstrated approximately twice the protease activity (Figure 6B). The protease activity was six-fold to seven-fold higher in the DatmA xprG1 double mutant (Figure 6B).Upifitamab Therefore, the FRET assay corroborated the previous result observed using the CI. We also constructed an alcA::xprG conditional mutant for xprG by replacing the xprG promoter with the alcA promoter. The alcA promoter is repressed by glucose, derepressed by glycerol, and induced to high levels by ethanol, L-threonine, or cyclopentanone (Flipphi et al.2002). Transformants were selected that accumulated approximately 13-fold higher xprG mRNA when transferred to glycerol 2 plus threonine than when transferred to glucose 4 (Figure 6C, left panel).PROTAC-Related Custom Services An increased clearance zone around the alcA::xprG mutant colony was observed when grown on agar plates containing milk supplemented with 10 mM cyclopentanone (CI, 1.26) (Figure 6C, right panel). Again, to examine the possible genetic interactions between atmA and xprG, a double DatmA alcA::xprG mutant was constructed.PMID:24635174 The clearance zone of the DatmA alcA::xprG strain (CI, 1.90) (Figure 6C, right panel) was larger than that produced by the single alcA::xprG mutant. These results imply that AtmA performs a role in the inhibition of XprG. The accumulation of ROS in the DatmA strain, when grown in the presence of glucose or after carbon starvation, was twice that observed for the wild-type strain (Figure 7). Accumulation of ROS in strains lacking xprG was moderately less than that of the wild-type strain, whereas the gain-of-function xprG1 strain demonstrated ROS levels comparable to the DatmA strain. Similar to the protease results previously presented, the combination of the DatmA and xprG1 mutations in a single strain demonstrated an additive effect and increasedVolume 4 January 2014 |ATM Kinase and Carbon Starvation Response |Figure 5 The atmA positively controls autophagy. A. nidulans AtgH:: GFP germlings previously grown for 12 hr in MM plus 2 glucose were transferred to MM without any carbon source for 15, 30, and 60 min. Bars: 10 mm. The AtgH::GFP, DatmA AtgH::GFP, and DatgA AtgH::GFP grown for 12 hr in MM plus 2 glucose (time zero) and transferred to MM without any carbon source for 15, 45, 60, 90, 120, and 150 min. Bars: 10 mm.ROS accumulation to the highest levels. These results suggest that under these conditions, XprG is epistatic and is needed for the increased production of ROS caused by the loss of AtmA. Although the DatmA mutant is viable, it shows nuclei with considerable DNA fragmentation (Malavazi et al. 2006, 2008). The AtmAATM loss-of-function caused synthetic lethality when combined with mutation in UvsBATR, suggesting that AtmA a.
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